EMC² Independent Facilitator -
Judy Greenough
Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat or cure disease. Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. And each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.
You found this testimonial under the tag Glaucoma
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Catherine from California - AIM participant since October 2005
A biopsy was done on Dad's stomach and the results showed cancer. In October 2005 I started Dad and the rest of us on The AIM Program.
Tags: Cancer; Cancer, stomach; Glaucoma; Stomach cancer;
I've had my family on The AIM Program since October 2005. We've had great results with self-healing. Sometimes it's hard to understand or accept something that's radically different from what we know or have been taught. So let me tell you about my Dad. Dad went to the Veteran's Clinic for his annual physical in September 2005. Every activity, no matter how small, was an effort for him. He had a hard time breathing and often felt dizzy. He would work in the garden for 10 minutes and then have to lie down for 30 minutes. He was losing weight and was down to about 105 pounds. He ate like a bird, just a spoonful of this and a spoonful of that. A biopsy was done on Dad's stomach and the results showed cancer. In October 2005 I started Dad and the rest of us on The AIM Program. In November we got the PET scan results. The cancer didn't show up on the images. We declined a recommended surgery because it would mean that a part of Dad's stomach would have been removed and he would have to "attain nutrients through a tube." At the follow-up the Doctor seemed really surprised at how well Dad looked and felt. Dad also saw his eye doctor. He agreed to have Dad stop taking glaucoma drops for a month. After that month the Doctor agreed that Dad can permanently stop taking this medication. This is unusual since the doctor initially said there is no cure for glaucoma; all you can do is control it by putting drops in your eyes for the rest of your life.
Dad continues to do well. He is completely off all medications (five different ones). He's 80 years old. He looks and feels great. His energy is back. He works in the garden from eight in the morning until eight at night. Mom has to yell at him to make him come into the house. He now eats more than the rest of us and has gained weight. So that's the story about my Dad. The rest of my family has had great results, as well. We believe the bottom line is: The AIM Program works. You don't have to understand it...and it works. You don't have to believe it...and it works.
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